The Role of a Compensation Lawyer in Work Accident Claims
If you are reading this article, it is possible that you have been injured in the workplace and require legal expertise to ensure the perpetrator of your injury is held accountable. A compensation lawyer will work with you to gather evidence, assess liability and refer you to other professionals. Additionally, they will draw up a contract which covers your medical costs and ongoing treatment. Here are the roles of a compensation lawyer in a work accident claim.
Organising Your Case
Your Allentown workers’ compensation lawyer will help you arrange for your medical examinations and the medical reports that are required to proceed with your claim. They will also revisit any relevant police reports and obtain any information on third party claims which have been made against the perpetrators of your injury.
Assessing Liability For Your Injury
The compensation lawyer will assess who caused your injury and how much that person in order to build a case against them is liable for. You will be asked to provide details of the types of work you were engaged in before you were injured and any signs that something was amiss.
Negotiating With Your Employer
The compensation lawyer will negotiate with your employer, perhaps on a case-by-case basis, in order to resolve the matter out of court. They are also likely to advise you on how you should respond if your employer refuses to settle the claim.
Negotiating With Third Parties
Your compensation lawyer will negotiate with any third parties who may have caused your injury. This can include equipment manufacturers, contractors or building owners if you have been injured on their property.
Finding The Best Doctors For You
If you require medical treatment as a result of your injury, the compensation lawyer will refer you to doctors that are experienced in treating work injuries.
Drafting A Contract
Once you have been assessed by your doctors, the compensation lawyer will draft a contract which covers your ongoing medical treatment and ongoing treatment for any chronic conditions that may develop. The contract is also likely to cover your travel expenses, accommodation whilst you are receiving treatment and pays for the doctor’s opinion of any need for surgery or other medical procedures.
Negotiating With Your Employer
Once the medical report has all been received, it is possible that you may require further treatment. Your employer will have to cover any additional costs. Depending on your circumstances, it may be possible to negotiate with your employer for a settlement.